Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Rapist Anonymous" Was Crap, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               You would think any 'SVU' episode showcasing Kelli Giddish, as Amanda Rollins, would be something to watch.  So my expectations were high for "Rapist Anonymous."  And, with that good actor, Thomas Sadoski, as a guest star, I had hoped this would be something special.

                               Alas, it was not.  It was a confusing mess.

                              Regular viewers, like us, darlings, know about Rollins' gambling addiction, and her attendance  at GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meetings.  So, when the scene opens with Amanda at a meeting, it made sense, but it turned out to be an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous ) meeting, which, though inappropriate, made sense--when an addict needs a meeting, I mean REALLY needs one-- they go to the first available spot.

                             OK, so Amanda is at AA. Fine.  But the behavior of two members, Nate Davis (Sadoski) and Lena Olson (Amy Seimetz) made me think they should be in a sex addiction program.  I got that right away.  Then, there is Gene Feinstein (Geoffrey Cantor) a real sleaze, you know, the kind who wears a rain coat, but jerks off into glory holes, at peep shows, and who has been giving it to Lena in alleyways, on rooftops...these two have the city covered!!!!!!!!!!.  They are not addressing their sexual addiction.

                             Then, Amy accuses Gene of rape.  And later, Gene is murdered, falling off the ledge of  a building rooftop, after being fellated by Lena.  Yeah, right!  This addict bitch, pushed him off, but good!  He was a thrill seeker, she said!  Yeah, right!

                            This Lena sure knows how to play the game.   She shows up at meetings looking slutty and slovenly, so all the drooling male addicts will get a jolt at her appearance, and need a fix, which she is happy to provide  Then she shows up in court, looking like Agnes Gooch!!!!.  And how about Nate Davis, a sponsor type, who talks the talk, but does  not walk the walk?????  The way I see it, he and Lena conspired to murder Gene, even though Lena pushed him off.  And how about Melissa Blume, (Jennifer Restivo) Gene's dumber-than-shit fiance???  Is this love, or codependency????  I think Melissa needs a program or two, herself, though that issue was never addressed.

                           Meanwhile, Captain Cragen (yes!!!!!!!!!) is getting some of his own, with a sophisticated older woman named Eileen Switzer (played by "thirtysomething's" Mel Harris)!!!!!!  Now, Captain Cragen is supposed to be, like, the nun of the place!  I guess the writers have decided, what with so many gone, to liven things up, by livening him up!!!!  And, after having him waking up with a dead hooker in his bed, I can sympathize!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let's hope his Senior Hormones work!

                            That sanctimonious Olivia!!!  When she and Rollins went at it, I was glad when Amanda said, "I don't have to PAY someone to listen to my problems!"  And that self righteous Amaro.  I have said,  from Day One, they should get rid of Danny Pino, but they still keep that ass on.  Amanda should have smacked both he and Olivia across their faces!!!!

                          Oh, and Sadoski.  Like I said, he talks the talk, but he is out for himself, like a true addict, preying upon, and sleeping with, every new and young woman that comes into the room, including Rollins.  He preys on their neediness, because he is certainly no prize!  When Lena was convicted, I thought he should have been, too!  And with his condescension to Amanda at the elevator, she should have smacked him, too!

                         Amanda is an interesting character.  A White Trash Georgia cracker, who pulled herself out of her environment, and made it to New York.  She deserves credit.  And with that trashy troublemaker, sister Kim, who, I am sure Sadoski would have gone for, and who livened things up as bit, when she was featured, awhile  back .  Amanda has overcome a lot.  She is due for a visit, from Sis, soon!

                          But what was this episode about?  Amanda's addiction????  Sex addiction?????????
Insulting the entire 12 Step community, by making those who do the work look like everyone in those rooms is bad?

                           I think the whole thing was about Writer's Block.  This season started out so strong; now, it has suddenly tanked!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Things had better improve, or it's "bye bye, 'SVU'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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