Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Can You Believe It, Darlings?????????? Former Baby Boomer Icon Turns 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Yes, darlings, Joyce Maynard, that one-time generational icon for Baby Boomers, dubbed so by The New York Times, back on April 23, 1972, has reached the ripe old age of 60.  Lots has happened to Joyce, in that 42 year span, as it has to all of us. For one thing, I am the one speaking out now, and, girls, you better believe I relish the role!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unlike Joyce, at the time, I am writing about what I know and experience, rather than what I think the Establishment will want to hear. And now Joyce is writing that way, too.  Does that mean we are on the same page?

                                          Probably not, because our POV's and experience cannot help but differ. But, I have to be honest, with Joyce now 60, I am not that far behind--378 days, to be exact!!!!!!!!  We will cross that bridge, when I come to it.

                                              Wonder how Joyce feels about it all???????  Will she chronicle the experience, and her feelings, of turning 60, for us all to know?  Only time will tell.

                                                I can't help wishing Joyce a Happy Birthday, and many more!  And marvel in amazement at how fast the time has gone since both of us were 18!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Time can be just like the Witch's hourglass, darlings!!!!!!!!!! Only not quite so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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