Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bullying--It's Not Just Aimed At Sissies, Anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     As Yvonne Elliman sang, in "Jesus Christ, Superstar," "I never thought I'd come to this!"  Well, darlings, I don't know what society is coming to!  It used to be the marginalized, the disenfranchised--impoverished, homosexuals, lesbians, kids on the fringes who did not fit in socially--were the targets of bullying.  But what is to be made of John Martin, a paragon of Mainsteam Manhood, according to the Mainstream, who is a football player for the Miami Dolphins team?

                                     Last week, Martin left the team, citing bullying and harassment from teammates, mostly instigated by Richie Incognito, who sent him racially charged texts.

                                       Sounds like what we have here is "West Palm Beach Story," darlings!!!!!!!!!   And, personally, speaking, I prefer "The Palm Beach Story," with the handsome Joel McCrea, and the glamorous Claudette Colbert!!!!!!!!!!! Well, John, be a Maria, not a Tony!  Maria stands up, fights back, confronts--and she survives. Tony, due to tragic circumstances, capitulates, and look what happens to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          If this was a Pop Warner or even a high school team, it would not be right, but the age groups, and lack of maturity, would  make sense.   I guess, even in the adult sports world, maturity is at a premium.  I hope Martin sues his teammates, Incognito, and anyone he can get money out of!  Enough to retire and do commerical endorsements, even before his time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           You know what this means, if this can be happening in today's football world????????

                                            It means it is time for a revival of the Jule Styne musical, "High Button Shoes!!!!!!!!"

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