Tuesday, November 5, 2013

With The Holiday Season Soon Upon Us, Just What We Need, Darlings--A Potential Mall Shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                It's a pity the recent Jersey shooter's last name is "Shoop," because one of my favorite Sixties tunes was always "The Shoop Shoop Song," by Betty Everett.  Now, when I hear it, this tragic figure will inevitably creep in there.

                                 I say tragic, because, for all intents and purposes, Shoop's purpose was not to injure anyone else--only kill himself.  He fired three shots into the air, when he walked into what I always knew as the Paramus Mall, growing up, as things were starting to wind down, around 9:30 PM.  People scattered, the mall was locked down, hundreds of cop cars descended upon the place, from all over the state--by the time I saw the whole thing on the 11PM news, it was a virtual horror show.

                                 The body of Shoop was found around 3:20 AM, in an out of the way corner of the mall.  It was clear he had delivered a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

                                   From what can be gathered, it seemed he was very conflicted. He was only 20 years old, and there is no indication whether he graduated from high school and/or enrolled in college.  He was working locally, in Teaneck, at a pizzeria, and living with his parents and brother.  When he descended upon the mall, the cops went to his home, and his father came out, brandishing a screw driver, and he was asked to put his hands up. "Does this have to do with my son, Richard?" he angrily asked, and then apparently went on to defend the kid.  Huh?  Maybe Daddy has a bolt loose, too!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But just take a look at this photo of Richard. He fancies himself the Body Beautiful.  He was enrolled on a website called Exploretalent.com, so he was seeking to be a model or an actor.  And look at that poster on his wall--Edward Norton in "American History X." Clearly, Shoop seemed to be doing a Travis Bickle, or something, going around the bend.  Suicide is a major tragedy, and my heart goes out to the Shoop family.  But, with Daddy brandishing a screw driver, and the gun Richard used being one he borrowed from his brother, you have to wonder--what was going in that house????  There were no guns in mine, when I was growing up, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Makes you want to avoid malls, doesn't it???????  And with Santa Claus due to arrive, sooner than we think!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I would gather the Shoops' neighbors had no idea they were living within range of a bunch of loose cannons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They make the Bundys on "Married With Children" look like "The Waltons!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Don't let this incident mar your Christmas shopping or entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Or else "Silent Night, Deadly Night," could become a reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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