Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"The Little Rascals" Were Meant To Entertain! But They Could Be Downright Heartbreaking, At Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And one of those times, girls, was the 1931 "Fly My Kite," which marked the final film appearance for both Chubby and Mary Ann Jackson.  I believe Dorothy De Borba took over for Mary Ann, after this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What saves the film from being absolutely traumatizing is Margaret Mann's spirited performance as Grandma.  She is the kids' beloved Granny, a lonely old woman who has lost everyone she has loved, but loves the Gang, none of whom are related, very much. As they do her.

                                      She lost her only daughter to a bad marriage, and that daughter died.  And now that son-in-law, Dan, played by an actor named James Mason, with all the villainy one could muster, has come back into her life, to, basically, throw her out onto the street, so he and his fiance can move into her

                                       Their confrontation scene would be as unbearable to watch, as, say, Umberto D carrying his dog to the train tracks.   But, just as the dog saves the day there, what saves it here is Mann's spirited retaliation.  "If you were my real mother, it would be different," snivels Dan.  "But you're not.  You're broke, you're old, and you're useless!"

                                        Anyone else would crumble. But I guess Mann's granny is like me.  I would have decked him.  She retaliates, "I'm broke....yes I'm broke!  But who broke me?  I had money, but you stole it from me!....Yes, I'm calling you a thief, you dirty crook!  You broke my little girl's heart!  That's what she died of a broken heart.  And now you're going to..." and she flings her fists at him,  flailing!

                                          From behind every piece of furniture, the Gang appears, and proceed to attack this scumbag. In her last film appearance, Mary Ann Jackson is quite fierce, beating him hard with a fireplace poker, with Grandma yelling, "Give it to him, Mary! Spank him good!"  I would have belted him across the mouth, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Of course, he escapes, and comes back to menace. He then discovers the old lady has stocks and bonds, and she  has no idea of their worth. He tries to cheat her out of those, but when Chubby uses the papers for the tail of his kite, Dan flips out, Grandma finds out the truth, and the kids go after him, actually hitting him, dragging him over a bed of nails (yes!!!!!!!) until he falls into water, presumably ruined!  Grandma triumphs!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             While that opening scene can be awfully wrenching, I think it is there to remind viewers to fight for themselves, when faced with something like that--just as Grandma does! And those who are no good here get what they deserve, which is always satisfying, while Granny gets a break!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Maybe not real life, but inspiring to those who face it!

                                                  You have to hand it to James Mason as Dan!  One of the most hateful characters in the series!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently, he made a career of these type of parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Actually, I might have cooked him on the stove! Like Omaima Nelson!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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