Friday, November 1, 2013

Can You Believe It, Girls???????????? Holiday Homophobia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The Holiday Season is not yet officially upon us, darlings, (that does not happen until Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!) and yet controversy is upon us already.  Hallmark, the greeting card manufacturer, has come out, this year, with a pretty Christmas ornament, resembling a sweater, which DARES to change a classic Christmas lyric!!!!!!!!!  I mean, would this happen to Sondheim???????  You bet it wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             With all the Christmas lyrics to choose from, why would Hallmark choose this one??????  The answer is simple--to garner all the homophobic publicity it can!

                                                The lyric is from that secular classic "Deck The Halls."  In the song itself, the correct phrase is "Don we now our gay apparel."  Has been that way for over a century.  Well, now, Hallmark has transformed that into "Don we now our fun apparel."  Yes, it fits, lyrically and melodically, but this is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Let's get something straight, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!   The word "gay" is a perfectly good one, and has been around, long before it was adopted for use by the homosexual community.  Its literal meaning is "lighthearted and carefree," which may help to explain why homosexuals adopted it, as it exemplified everything they wanted to be, and felt (and still do) they had a right to being, rather than being persecuted, as in days of yore.  And still, to some degree, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  In the song, it is meant to suggest the clothes are colorful and stylish.  Which, in today's fashion world,  has a homosexual context, but, when it was written, did not.  Orr maybe it was just better hidden!

                                                   It is true that today, when one looks at the word "gay," the first association is with  homosexuality.  Children even recognize it as such, though they may still use the words "queer," or "homo."

                                                    The lyrical change is a slap in the face at gays all over the world!  If there are any gays working at Hallmark, they should be ashamed of themselves, for selling out to such an organization!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       What is Macy's slogan?  "We're a part of your life?"  Hallmark's, I think, was "When you care enough to send the very best!"  Yeah, right!  Send the one who thought this up straight to the back of the Unemployment Line!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          There is no excuse for dissing both the Holidays and the gay community.  On behalf of that community, I demand the removal of this ornament from sale, and an apology from one of the upper ups in the company!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           I will admit their cards and such are pretty.  But the gay community, and its dollars, is even prettier!!!!!!!!  Let's make sure Hallmark remembers that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Season's Greetings, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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