Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Feast Of All Saints, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Being a saint has plenty of perks, girls, but it can't be all that easy.  Just see what Jennifer Jones goes through in "The Song Of Bernadette," if you don't believe me!!!!!!!!!  Or how about Joan of Arc--that sister who really cooked????????????  Or  Stephen, martyred by being stoned to death, as a young man!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let me tell you, it takes more than a body pain wracked from stone floors, to become a saint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Each saint has his or her designated feast day.  But, on November 1, we honor ALL the saints, which I think is a fabulous idea, and which gives them all, in the Celestial Beyond, a chance to get together, and "party, like it's 1999!!!!!!!!!"

                                              On this day, we honor all present, and future saints.  There are some out there, like Sister Camille D'Arienzo, who, by their words and teachings, merit sainthood themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Here's to them all!!!!!!!  A healthy glass of wine, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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