Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome To November, Big Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I guess the Halloween spirit hasn't left me yet, darlings, because I just could not resist starting out this month of months with Zit Johann from "The Mummy!"

                                                  With all  the events set to happen this month, November can often seem like one Big Party!!!!!!!!  So, I wanted a shot of Zita in her party outfit, to start things off, right!

                                                      In "The Mummy," Zita just can't stop partying, from having flashbacks to the past, in the present,as reincarnated Helen Grosvemnor, or her more fun, spirited past self, Princess Ankh-es-enamon, or Princess Ankah, for short!!!!!!!!!!  Let's face it, the Princess looks better in Egyptian digs than she does in those Thirties designer  knockoffs spun out by sweatshop workers for her, over at Universal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Which is just my way of saying, darlings, I want you to have the most glamour filled November, ever!  Before you know it, the Holiday Season will be upon us.  Maybe I will see some of you on stage, as Rockettes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          So, Happy November, girls!!!!!!!!  It's not just for turkeys, anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

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