Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Gay Gaslight," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "The naked man lay supine,  upstairs in his bed, limbs
                                          trembling with a delight of terror he did not yet realize was
                                          purely masochistic."
                                               ----"Gay Gaslight"

                         That, darlings, is the opening sentence of something I am thinking of writing, based on my real life experience.  You've all heard about my smoke fueled, alcohol ridden, upstairs neighbor, John, whom I have named "Big Boy."  Well, one day, as Monsieur and I were going to work, and John fled from us in abject terror, because I was present, Monsieur remarked that I was trying to "Gaslight" him.  It was like Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, only I was doing it from below.

                          Thus, an idea was born.  "Gay Gaslight!" Hmmmm...what fun!  The idea is that my flagrance and chantings of "Big Boy...this," and "Big Boy...that" are designed by me to torture him, and drive him insane!!!!!!!!!!  When, in reality, all I am trying to do is give him some guidance, and help him discover his true potential.  And maybe, in the process, get rid of the drinks and smokes, which are sure to do him in, long before any potential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I hear him above me, at the oddest times--mid-afternoon, the middle of the night, pacing back and forth, like a caged animal, trapped, afraid to leave his apartment, because he knows I am down there.  He is most likely most afraid of finding me standing on the stairwell, leg extended, and pants hiked up, doing my "Big Boy" speech!!!!!  I don't know how this will end, but, I can tell you, I do not want to drive him out of here.  Living next to, above, or below, an isolated alcoholic, can be one of the most quiet neighbors one will ever have!  Believe me, I know!

                         Though, one aspect of the plot will change!  The person ultimately tied in the chair will not be me, but...Big Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          "Gaslight," with delight, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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