Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Does This Date Say About The Alliance Of The Moon And The Stars, Darlings?????????????

                                  I have to wonder about this date, November 9, and its karmic importance, because two very tragic events happened, 33 years apart.  The first, in Germany, known as Kristallnacht, marked the real start of the Holocaust.  That evening, known as "the night of broken glass," a series of coordinated attacks against Jews by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish  civilians, was carried out, back in 1938!!!!!!!!!
It is estimated 91 Jews were killed that night, while approximately 30,000 were arrested and sent to camps.  Hell had begun!!!!!!!!   And, of course, the German authorities looked on, and did nothing about it. I guess they thought Tomorrow belonged to them!!!!!!!!!  Hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And how timely that, over here, in our country, around now, there is a case going, in upstate New York, of anti-Semitic bullying???????????  I am telling you, this day spells bad Karma!  But more on that event, in another post!

                                   Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Westfield, New Jersey, to be exact, on this very day, back in 1971, John Emil List (born of German parents, incidentally!!!) coldly and calculatedly, murdered his entire family--wife Helen, mother Alma, and children, Patricia, Frederick, and John, Jr. who, apparently, was the only one able to put up a fight!  Which he lost!  List's reason was bogus--financial inadequacy coupled with morality!!!  What he really wanted was to cut his losses, and start a new life!  Bastard!  But, though he went on the lam, he was apprehended, imprisoned, and passed away, in 2008. He always said he did this to save their souls, and never took his life, so he could be reunited with them.  Well, John, that may be, but bet they are all roasting you over a hot, flaming spit, while paddling your sorry ass!!!!!  Who's sorry, now?????

                                    What is it with is date?  It makes you want to stay indoors, and not go out!!!!!!!!!

                                      Not even for bargain sales, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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