Friday, November 8, 2013

Here Is The Book Of The Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Though it has been almost a month since I finished it, I cannot get Marisha Pessl's "Night Film" out of my head. And when, having finished Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch," and having to honestly face that no novel read this year brought me as much pleasure and stimulation as Pessl's--not Tartt's--I knew I was right in saying earlier, as I did, that "Night Film" might very well make my choice as Book Of The Year.

                                               And now it has.  What can I give Miss Pessl but the distinction of such in this post?????  I hold no luncheon, no banquet, I have no plusK check to hand out--just my gratitude for having created what, for me, was the finest work of fiction I have read this year.

                                                 While overcoming the "sophomore slump," this being here second novel, following up her brilliant debut that was another winner, "Special Topics In Calamity Physics."

                                                     I can't even begin to entertain what Marisha will do next.  Or imagine "Night Film" as an actual film.

                                                      I only know that several years, after all the fuss has died down, I will pull the book off the shelf--where it will still be--and read it again!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      What higher praise can there be than that, girls????????????

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