Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Today, girls, we commence Musical Theater Week, with the birthday of Sammy Williams, who originated the role of Paul San Marco, in "A Chorus Line," back in 1975, winning a TONY Award, and lasting theater immortality!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sammy turns 65 today, which makes him now a Senior Citizen, and that is a hard thing to wrap itself around. The idea that many of these young dancers, who were the Toast of Broadway, back when I was a tender thing of 20, are now already seniors!!!!!!!!!!!  It boggles the mind, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, what does that make me?  Much older, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But how could one not honor Sammy???????.  He came from close to my neck of the woods, Trenton, New Jersey, and, to an extent, he did what I wanted, but I lacked the confidence and courage to do.  And, now I am too old!  But his performance was inspiring; it made me realize that somehow, some way, I had to get to New York!  Which  I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Like all the member of that Original Company, they could go out on stage tonight, and as soon as the opening vamp was struck, dance it like they did in '75!!!!!!!!!  Wouldn't that be exciting, girls???????   Maybe when "A Chorus Line" reaches its 50th anniversary, which will be in 2025!!!!!!  That is not as far off as you may think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                But, happy birthday, Sammy, and many more!  Do what pleases you most! That is what birthdays are for!

                                                  Now, I am going to give you a treat!  I hope!  In honor of Sammy, I am going to try and share with you, his brilliant moment, which netted him a TONY Award!  Let's hope it works, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Here it is!   A little fuzzy, but enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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