Thursday, November 14, 2013

Two Bitches For The Price Of One This Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           It has been a slow time for bitches, darlings--maybe they are too busy gearing up for the Holidays, or planning some mystery mayhem, during this period.  I mean, when not even a peep has been heard from Lindsay Lohan, you know things are slow on the Bitch Meter.

                           But, with the onslaught of anti-Semitic bullying in upstate New York, two recent, fictitious bitches crossed my mind. If they seem  familiar to you, they should.  They are Courtney Lane, brilliantly played by Lili Reinhart, and Emma Butler, played equally well by Quinn Shepard, featured on the "Law And Order SVU" episode, "Lost Traveler."

                            Isn't it rich?  Aren't they a pair???????????

                            "Lost Traveler" was, of course, the SVU episode of the Leiby Kletsky case, which upset New York several Summers ago.   The child in question was Nico Grey, a gypsy child, who goes missing, but is found murdered in an abandoned location.  Courtney and Emma, of course feign concern, and seem to be available at every opportunity to help the police with the murder investigation.

                               You recall the rest, darlings!  It turns out Courtney and Emma abducted and murdered Nico, themselves.  Not only that, they tried to pin it on a slow witted, neighborhood resident, Mark Rajic, whose room they had been sneaking into, and whom Courtney had been masturbating to keep him quiet.

                                 I mean, what bitches!   Courtney, of course, is the worst.   She does all the work, but what floats her boat is having an acolyte--someone who will watch whatever she does, obey her every word, and not say a word against her.  And that is Emma, because, oh, my God, she wants to be POPULAR!!!!!!!!   Well, these two should be a hit in the slammer!

                                 Who can forget the closing scene, with Olivia giving Courtney such a look of contempt, as she asks her, "Why?"  To which Courtney answers, with no feeling, "Why not?"

                                    These two deserve Bitch Of The Week!   But they are cut from similar sacks of cloth, because "Lost Traveler" is basically a redo of a season one episode, entitled "Uncivilized."  Same plot structure, but instead of two girls, it was two boys, Mike D.  and Jimmy G.  Jimmy was the one, like Courtney, without remorse. Hey, when it comes to bitchery, there is no gender bias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      That Courtney and Emma!!!!!!!!!  They may be fictitious, but there are more real ones out there, than we realize!!!!!!!!!!!!  Avoid them, at all costs!!!!!!  And if they give you trouble, give it to them right back, which is just what they deserve!!!!!!!!!

                                       Bitch for bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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