Monday, November 18, 2013

Proud To Share This Day With A Musical Theater Legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No wonder I gravitated towards singing  Musical Theater, darlings, what with being born on the same day  as Dorothy Collins.  Granted, there is a twenty eight year gap between us (were she alive, Dorothy would be 87 today) but when you realize she went on to star in "Follies," and the influence that show has had on me throughout the years, well, something must have been aligned in the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Dorothy left us on July 21, 1994.  She was 67, and would have been 68!!!!!!!!  My God, darlings, can you believe that is almost twenty years????????????

                                 If "Follies" had been the only thing Dorothy did, she would be remembered!  But earlier generations may recall her as one of the lead singers on TV's "Your Lucky Strike Hit Parade," with Snooky Lanson, back in the Fifties, when I was born!

                                  But, once Dorothy took center stage the night of April 4, 1971, at the Winter Garden Theatre, to sing "Losing My Mind," that was it, girls!!!!!!!!!!  "Follies" had arrived, the art form that was the  musical would never be the same, and an entire generation of Theater Queens has been created and raised on the basis of this one show.

                                    And, having heard many sing the above song, I can say, in all honesty, that Dorothy owns it.  Not even Barbara Cook could top Dorothy on this one!

                                      So, to honor Dorothy, and Theater Queens everywhere, plus give those who may not have heard it, the chance to hear, listen, now, to Dorothy's heartrending, definitive version of "Losing My Mind."

                                       Here it is, dolls!  Proud to share this day with you, Dorothy!!!!!!!!!!

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