Sunday, November 17, 2013

Twelve Is The Magic Number, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 First of all, girls, let me tell you, those breaded chicken cutlets at Teresa's Restaurant, down at the end of Montague Street, in Brooklyn Heights, cannot be beat!   Monsieur and I noshed on them, with noodles, beets and cucumber salad!  Joined by my friend Tom, the cherub, and his partner, Austin, in a sort of joint birthday celebration (Tom is the fourth, I am the 18th!!!!), there were also Polish platters, roast beef sandwiches, and other delectables munched on!  And we were joined by my fabulous, and glamorous friend, Judy, au pair to the Stars, namely Miss Ruby, (who can outdo Lady Gaga any day!!!!) and a good time was had by all.

                                Then, the lot of us marched over to Willow Place, where most saw the Heights Players production of Reginald Rose's classic courtroom drama, "Twelve Angry Men."  I had some trepidation going in; this was the group that attempted "A Chorus Line," and none too well, but I figured a classic courtroom drama, which is pretty basic stuff, in terms of staging, could be handled, and it was!

                                 Like "A Chorus Line," it was an ensemble piece, with each given their moment to shine.  As Juror No. 2, Joe Cooper excelled.  His understated simplicity, and attention to detail revealed a polish that many of his more blustery cohorts did not have.  He should look into more serious work.

                                 Nevertheless, the show was compelling, and fascinating from an historical perspective.  As the member of a generation hooked on "Law And Order," and "Investigation Discovery," it was fascinating to see where and how it all began.  There have been courtroom dramas before--"Inherit The Wind," Elmer Rice's "On Trial"--but this was the one that ushered in crime for the Baby Boomer generation, and paved the way for future vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    A Night On The Town, darlings!  Not the Rialto, but the Heights!

                                    And, as we all know, darlings, Patty only saw the sights a girl could see from Brooklyn Heights!!!!!!!!!!  What would she say now?????????????????


  1. Remember that your mom's birthday is the same as mine, October 19th? Well, MY mom's birthday is tomorrow, the 18th! She'll be 86. Hope you have a great birthday!


  2. That's amazing! Congratulations to her, and thanks for the good wishes for me!
