Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Daddy Bitch Should Have Kept That Gun Aimed On Himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Trouble in Colorado, again, girls!  I am telling you, beautiful as it may be, with all that seems to happen there, I wouldn't go there for anything.  And don't talk back to me, about New York!!!!!

                                    It is tragic that Merrick McCoy, who lived in Westminster, Colorado, had a rocky relationship with his ex, Kim, and an altercation broke out.  I guess she was going to ultimately leave him, (he had violated some restraining orders; not a good thing, darlings!!) so he was upset.  Upset enough to  lock himself in a room, with his  19- month- old daughter, Mia, while Kim ran screaming for help.

                                     But she was too late.  This bastard kills himself, which I would feel badly about, if he had not, at first, turned the gun on Mia, ending her life, too!  Shooting the child, to spite the mother!  Call him the Male Medea of Colorado.  And, if I remember that story correctly, things did not end up too well for Medea, either.

                                      Taking his life is one thing, but the daughter?  What kind of bitch/scumbag/coward is this??????  It is too bad he did not survive, so justice could not be served.  Those inmates would have taken care of young Merrick, but good!

                                         I actually had another person picked out for Bitch Of The Week, but it requires more research and information on my part, before I can post that one!  Maybe next week, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         What Merrick McCoy, though dead, did, is good enough to make him the winner, this week!

                                           Justice may not have been served on Earth, but right now, dolls, I will bet you
he is roasting over some hot coals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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