Friday, November 22, 2013

Who Is Dumber???? The Mayor????? Or The Wife???????????????

                                       As most of my girls know on here, darlings, Heather Menzies, who played Louisa Von Trapp in the 1965 film classic, "The Sound Of Music," (and who went on, right after making the equally classic "Ssssssssss!" to pose in Playboy, which even I saw, darlings, though what good or trauma it did me is still up for grabs, to this very day!!!!!!) was originally from Toronto.  She must be shaking her head in embarrassment, over the current Mayor, Rob Ford!!!!!!!!  And how about his wife, Renata??????  Forget that, as I said awhile back, sometimes that "Stand By Your Man" thing is a hill of crap, but, next to film critic Renata Adler, when have you ever heard this name used????????

                                     But Renata is not the real problem; it is her husband, Rob. Now, this might get a bit vulgar, dolls, so for the more delicate of stomach and soul, I suggest you stop  reading.  And if you continue, remember, you were warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Some straight men have no problem to openly admitting they are "big, old pussy hounds!"  But Rob Ford's  admissions not only push the envelope; they break new ground.  Using the word "pussy" (which does NOT mean cat, here, girls) he says of one reporter, "I never said I wanted to eat her pussy!" In a public forum, which means it goes cyber!!!!!  Then he goes one better by making a fool of himself, continuing, "I am a happily married man. I have plenty to eat at home!"

                                         From the kitchen, maybe, judging from that porcine look of his.  For someone who is smoking up crack, he looks a  bit too...rotund!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And Renata!!!!!!!!!! What must she think of all this?  Outed in public, as nothing more than a sexual vessel????????  If I were she, girls, not only would I smack him across the face, I would deny him any more access, move out, and find a good lawyer!!!!!!!!!

                                           If Renata was smart, she would do this!  But, married to this lout, she looks about as dispirited as Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe she will medicate herself, like Joan, with drinks and cigs!!!!!!!!  I wouldn't blame her a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             It is bad enough Rob Ford is a pig! He is also a political fool!  Even the whole
Clinton-Lewinsky thing was not as embarrassing as this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Get this first class a-hole out of office now! Otherwise, Toronto will have the reputation of nothing more than a brothel on the make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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