Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An Assessment Of 2013, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    To paraphrase Dickens, the Times were pretty good this year!  Especially when you consider that 13 is an unlucky number.  But what made the year pretty good, overall??????  Well, you've heard about Celia, Jessie, books read, and the like, but here is a look back at some other things that made this year Positively Memorable!!!!!!!

                                     1. My Beloved Monsieur--First and foremost. Keeping me on track, well fed and groomed, guiding me in ways helping to maintain my sanity (especially at work!!!!), and my gratitude to both he and God for having such a loving person in my life! To Be Continued, in 2014!!!!!!!!!

                                      2. Keeping My Sanity, At Work--See above!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      3. My 40th High School Reunion--Which turned out to be fun, seeing past
people and places, capped off by, after a wait well worth it, acknowledgement from, and a picture taken with, Roberta!!!!!!!!  Thanks so much, Roberta; stay healthy and well! With this glamour photo, had Roberta taken up acting, we could have been the Lunt-Fontanne of today.  But, being gay, darlings, which does that make me???????????

                                      4. Our Friend Judy--Whom I worked with years ago, and still a delightful presence in my life, and now Monsieur's.  We welcome her warmly, plan to do so in 2014, and one of the few people I can swap book topics with!  Judy knows!!!!!!!!!!

                                      5. Audrey and Ruby--For their inspiration; Audrey, by sheer will  of being a working parent, and Ruby, for reminding me of the headstrong child I once was!  (And, yes, as Monsieur would say, still am!!!!)  Fasten your seat belt, Audrey, you have some Parental Turbulence ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       6. Seeing Blythe Danner on stage in "Nice Work, If You Can Get It!"

                                       7.Our Friend Ellen--Known first by Monsieur, whom we also welcome warmly and will continue to, with the wit and insight of One Who Has Lived!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       8. My Father and Sister-- The former turns--ready????--99, on April 30, 2014!!!!!!!!!!  And you know what comes after that?????????  You want to talk party???????  You ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The latter,also a source of guidance and inspiration, having been through and come through so much!  I don't know how any of us do it, darlings, but especially she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       9. My Mind Still Being Agile Enough Never To Run Out of topic Ideas--Huh?????  What???????????????

                                      10. The Rediscovery Of Tippi Hedren--After viewing "The Birds" during its 50th Anniversary Year, it caused me to reevaluate.  Not that i want to move to San Francisco.  But, I DO want to be a Bitch Socialite, wear that two piece green outfit, and fur coat, and walk across grant Street, like Tippi, in the film's opening shot!!!!!

                                      11. Joan Fontaine In "Rebecca"-- With the sad passing of this Golden Age icon, (whom I was fond of, darlings!!!!) I was compelled to re watch her signature film, which made me realize what a shy, retiring thing I am.  But, then you already knew that, didn't you, girls????  If only my wardrobe matched Joan's, here!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        12. Not To Forget Our Beloved Cujo!!!!--Our canine mascot, on 77th Street, as we walk to the subway! May we get sweet doggie kisses and get to finally hug you in 2014!  Love to Baby Gojira and everyone at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       13. Anyone I Am Leaving Out???????--If I am, you know who you are, and thanks for going through 2013 with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Looking forward to seeing EVERYONE back here, when I assess 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, that's the list, girls!  Make your own, and let's all pray for the best, next year!!!!!!!!!!


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