Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Two Best Performances, This Year, On The Broadway Stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Let's switch to a topic more cheerful. girls, something you know we all know and love--theater!  The Two Best Performances Of The Year On The Broadway Stage in 2013, came, ironically, from two actresses, both firmly entrenched in the world of Musical Theater--Celia Keenan-Bolger in "The Glass Menagerie," and Jessie Mueller in the Carole King musical, "Beautiful."  And, girls, you can still see them, for yourselves!!!!!  "Beautiful " hasn't opened yet, so there is some time, there, but "The Glass Menagerie," running since September, and having extended its run to February 23, 2014, will most likely end then, so catch Celia fast!

                          Celia Keenan-Bolger, especially, is a revelation in "The Glass Menagerie."  When I first heard she was cast, I admit I was skeptical--how can someone go from Musical Theater, to playing Laura Wingfield, one of Theater's most iconic dramatic roles???? But, I am telling you, from her ingenious first appearance on stage, to her last, Celia inhabits Laura in a way that no one else I have seen in the role has; she not only IS Laura, you feel as though Tennessee himself had been waiting for Celia to come along, and play her.  I am sure, each night, in a remote box far up in the rafters of the Music Box Theatre, Tennessee Williams' ghost sits each night, beaming his exaltation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Her performance, like the production, was carefully crafted and guided by director John Tiffany, which makes me ask, now, why the hell couldn't HE have had a crack at the film version of "August:Osage County????????"

                           Thank you, Celia!  On behalf of the Raving Queen, all my girls, and the entire New York theatrical community!  We simply loved you as Laura, and your performance as she will never be forgotten!

                            Now, on to Jessie Mueller, seen below!  After her blow-everyone-off-the-stage Broadway debut, in the revival of "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever," soon to be three years ago, I regard "Beautiful" as nothing more than promise fulfilled!  But what fulfillment!  "Beautiful" is a bio musical in the same structural vein as "Funny Girl"--there are many similarities to it--but seeing Jessie playing and singing Carole King is like what it must have been to see BARBRA play Fanny Brice.  When I had heard Jessie had been cast, after my first flush of feverish thrill, I wondered, "How is she going to do Carole, without losing Jessie?"  Well, darlings, let me tell you, I cannot explain how, but she has managed this feat!!!
I hope "Beautiful" and Jessie have a long, lovely run, enough for her to pick up this season's TONY Award for Best Actress In A Musical!  Because, as far as I am concerned, there is no one else out there who deserves it more!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, catch both these remarkable artists, as soon as you can, loves!!!!!!!!!!  I can't imagine 2014 will turn out anything better!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, then, Hope does spring eternal, doesn't it???????????????????

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