Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Time For Bitch(es) Of The Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The results are in, girls, and the winner(s) has/have been chosen!  For the first time since 2010 (the year of Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei!!!!) there are two Bitch(es) Of The Year. Sadly, the reason for selection almost mirrors the same as those selected three years before--bullying a classmate, to the point of suicide!!!!!

                              In 2010, it was Tyler Clementi, of course!  After his plight became a cause celebre, and a rallying cry in this country, you might think things would have toned down a bit!  But, in 2013, with the suicide of Rebecca Sedwick, who leaped to her death from a Florida water tower, Tyler still hasn't taught us anything.  Not to blame Tyler; hardly, but those who fail to learn from his story.

                              And two of those who failed are this year's winners, who drove Rebecca to her death, Katelyn Roman, 12, and Guadalupe Shaw, 14!!!!!!!!!!

                               That Katelyn, she is an especially nasty piece of work!  Just like that Laura Sperber, in my day!  But, hey, Laura, you fat bitch, you did not get met  to  kill myself.  Hope you land in the slammer, for pilfering coin collections!!!!!!!!!

                                  You know what Katelyn said, online????  "Yes, I bullied Rebecca, and she killed herself, but I don't give a fuck!"  Some might say, at least she is honest!  This kind of honesty demands, as I said, earlier this year she and Lopez be burned as witches!

                                     But the Florida Justice Machine let them go scott free!  Which sends out the message that bullying is OK, that the harassed's life and loss is simply collateral damage!

                                       I can't think of better winners for Bitch(es) Of The Year!  And just think of the nastiness ahead, in 2014!!!!!!!!!  I cannot wait, and you know I will keep all my girls informed!

                                         Hopefully, next year, perhaps a Fun Bitch will be selected!  Because it saddens me to write about those  who are truly despicable!  And will never change!

                                          But, then, they wouldn't be bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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