Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another Seldom Heard Carol, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I sort of grew up knowing, but not paying much attention to, "I Saw Three Ships, as it often slipped, almost incidentally, onto Christmas song compilations my family had in the house, when I was growing up.

                                           But,  it was not until the first time I saw, on TV, David O. Selznick's 1935 production of "David Copperfield" (the one and only, as far as I am concerned!!!!!!) that this song began to stand out for me.  The opening credits, after the roar of the Metro lion, begins with a burst of joyous music, which segues into a choral rendering of "The First Noel," and then into "I Saw Three Ships,"  In some way, this became the definitive rendition for me, and I promise I will try and find that on here, for you, if, indeed, you, my followers, are still following me. I do not know what has happened on my home page, and I hope it is corrected, but my list page shows I still have about two dozen followers!  And I would, of course, like more!

                                            Back to 'Three Ships.' It is a lovely song that is often overlooked during the Holidays. So, as part of this online Advent Calendar (because that is what I have been creating here, for those smart enough--and I know you are--to pick up on it!) I include this overlooked Christmas classic.

                                             Sorry I could not get the Selznick edition, girls! But here it is, from the King's College, Cambridge Choir!  Simply lovely!  Enjoy!


  1. The wonderful late Nancy LaMott did Three Ships on her Christmas album. I play it every year.


  2. Now there is a name I have not heard in awhile. What a voice! Did not know she did this carol, will have to give it a listen!
