Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Girls, I Simply Cannot Wait For This Holiday Bitchfest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "I'M RUNNING THINGS, NOW!"
                                                 ---Barbara Weston, in "August:Osage County,"
                                                          by Tracy Letts

                                         It used to be, darlings, that when it came to Holiday time films, you could always count on the spectacular, or musical, or affirmative.  How times have sadly changed!  Last year, we were looking forward to the epic musical weepie, "Les Miserables," in which we relished seeing Anne Hathaway sing the big showstopper, as she played a prostitute dying of consumption, from physical and emotional deprivation.  Not the cheeriest of messages for the Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This year, on Christmas Day, "August:Osage County" is being released. Now, my expectations are high--with Meryl Streep and that cast--but they have cut the length of the piece (the original ran three-and-one-half hours, and this, I hear, clocks in on under two!!!!!!!!!)---but with reservation, although, I think, thanks to Meryl, there will be enough bitterness and bile on hand!

                                             Now, you know I just love bitterness and bile, myself, dolls, and I have plenty of it, let me tell you!  But this is a film that should have been premiered at the New York Film Festival in the Fall, and then given a release afterward. This is not the sort of thing to release on Christmas Day!!!!!!!!   Or have we ALL become embittered bitches??????????????

                                               Meryl Streep plays Violet Weston, a chain smoking, cancer ridden, pill addicted, alcoholic, embittered bitch, whom I can relate to.  Equally embittered is her eldest daughter Barbara, another role I could play with no contest.  On Broadway, Amy Morton excelled as Barbara. Here, it is going to be Julia Roberts, and I, for one, will be looking forward to seeing Meryl give it to Julia.  I hope she gives it to her, in real life, too!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Julia is the one thing that could bring this movie down.  But, I have seen some trailers that indicate the promised bitterness and bile is there.  Wait till you see this clip!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   When did Christmas go from "Merry Christmas" to "Merry Fucking
Christmas," darlings????????????????

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