Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I Want To Know, Darlings Is--How Did Tippi Hedren Do This Scene In High Heels???????????????????

                                 For some reason, I just cannot get my mind off Tippi Hedren, as Melanie Daniels in "The Birds."  Maybe  because I actually want to take a course in semantics at Berkeley????  Except I have no plans on going to Berkeley, or moving to San Francisco, though I do want to visit, so I can cross Grant Street once, like Tippi, in the opening shot of the movie.

                                 But, think about it, dolls!  From the time she arrives in Bodega Bay, Tippi does not alter her outfit!!!!!!!  I mean, how could she?  Brinkmeyer's is not exactly a coterie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  That means Tippi plays every scene she is in, there, in high heels!!!!!!!  What I want to know is, in the famous school attack scene, above, (and I will try and provide a live feed, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!) how the hell did Tippi make it running down that street, in those high heels???????????????//

                                     Much has been said, and from Tippi herself, of the horrors Hitchcock put her through, during the making of this film, especially that climactic scene in the attic!!!!!!!!  But what about here, where she had to tear down that street, in heels?  If Tippi does not suffer from osteoporosis, or some kind of foot disorder, especially now that she is about to reach (on January 19, 2014!!!) the age of 84, then this is a miracle on a par with Lourdes!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Darlings, I do not even walk about in my neighborhood, in heels!  Let alone run down the street!

                                         But, don't just believe me!  Watch, and see for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And more power to you, Tippi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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