Thursday, December 12, 2013

How About This, Girls???????????????????????

                                         Maybe my memory is slipping a bit, or not, but I cannot recall a time when TIME Magazine put on their cover for Person Of The Year, a pope, much less any member of the clergy.

                                           I could be wrong, but when I first heard the news, darlings, this stood out for me.  As Pope Francis is beginning to stand out, as a leader of the Catholic Church. And a refreshing one, which is about time!  I liked his musings on the deprecatory qualities of Capitalism; you can what it has reduced American society to, what with the economy tanking, people pushing, selfishly to get on buses and trains because of their careers, and, as long as I am on this theme, while I freely admit to using a great deal of technology, as witness here, not all the technological change has worked for society's benefit.

                                            Some might say take the bad with the good.  I think Pope Francis goes beyond such bromides.  He takes about changing and refining the society from within; that is people's attitudes and behavior in the face of all around them.

                                              I say, good for him!  And I like his non-judgemental stance on those who have been, in previous times, condemned, like those who have had abortions, or homosexuals.

                                                Remember, in another time, such people were condemned as witches, and burned at the stake!  Let's hope those souls got the peace they did not get on Earth. Let us hope with Pope Francis, those days, and more recent prejudicial ones, can be permanently put to rest, and the Church can move on to a new Renaissance!  One that includes Jennifer Jones, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  The Pope seems to be making an excellent start! Congrats to him, and to TIME for honoring him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     I am sure Father Guido Sarducci would approve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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