Thursday, December 12, 2013

There Really Seems To Be A Spiritual Theme Going On Here, Today, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I had not really planned on this day, but, after all, this blog is dictated by what happens to be on my mind, or passing through it, so these have been the results today.  Which brings me to my next point.  Since TIME Magazine has named their Person Of The Year, it is  time for the Raving Queen to do the same.

                                The Raving Queen Person Of The Year is New York's own, beloved, Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, she has been a media figure for four decades, but it was not until three years ago, when I first met my beloved Monsieur, who is not even Catholic, that I became aware of her Sunday morning broadcasts on 1010 WINS.

                                    I have been so touched by her warmth and wisdom, and the love and compassion she has for her listeners, that I have become a devotee.  I also receive on email "Conversations With Sister Camille," where she interviews those who have been through challenges and have come through with faith and courage.  Very inspiring.

                                     Listening to Sister Camille is like feeling you are listening to someone you could actually tell your worst sins to her face, without feeling lightning is going to strike.  Just some good common sense that will help you on your way.

                                       I just love Sister Camille, and I love Monsieur--well, for MANY reasons, but one is introducing her to me!!!!!!!!--and I take joy in us when I listen to her.

                                        Right On, Sister C!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keep on spreading the Good Word!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Yours is the spirit one wants to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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