Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Suppose It Was Inevitable, Girls!!!!!!!!!!! But Some Big Mistakes Are Being Made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               At first, I vowed I would never write about it. Now, it seems I have written more than I ever wanted to, about the NBC "Sound Of Music."  Then I vowed not to watch it. But then I took a peek at Audra, doing "Climb Ev'ry Mountain," with Carrie looking chronically constipated.

                                 Now, as I expected, knocked out by the ratings bonanza this proved to be, it is going to be rebroadcast on NBC this Saturday night.  And Monsieur has vowed that we will watch it!!!!!!!! If we do, I promise you, I will report on it!  Which means I have to write about it, yet again! Yikes!!!!! (Though maybe I will sneak out to YouTube for "Satan's School For Girls," if he falls asleep!)

                                   I suppose I should look at it. But, after the deservedly disastrous review it got from The New York Times, I am not expecting much. And not, as a devotee of the 1965 film!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But, if Debbie Turner and Angela Cartwright could watch it, so can I!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The problem is, history seems to be repeating itself, a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When the 20th Century-Fox film proved to be an Oscar winning blockbuster, every studio got on board to make their own success story. 20th tried and flopped with "Star!" and "Doctor Doolittle!"  Not to mention the Streisand "Hello, Dolly!"  Paramount flopped with "Paint Your Wagon!" and "Darling Lili!!!!!!!!!" Not to mention United Artists, with "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!"  These films, while some had several good moments, was each one  more nail in the coffin of the musical genre, which did not begin to surface again until around 2002--nearly 40 years later--when people took note of Rob Marshall's film of "Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Because this was such a ratings booster on NBC, they are considering doing an annual live musical presentation each year!!!!!!!!!   To which I ask--How long will this last?  What classic will they ruin next???????  Will any succeeding presentation have the drawing power of "The Sound Of Music?"  I doubt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I understand Julie Andrews did NOT watch it! Smart girl, Julie!!!!!!!!!!

                                            You can bet it was NOT one of her favorite things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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