Thursday, December 12, 2013

Look Who Is Helping Out For The Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              None other than our own beloved, Little Baby Gojira!!!!!!!  Isn't he just the cutest thing, dolls?

                                               Which proves he does more than just sit perched on the fireplace, keeping watch over our apartment, and doing a superb job of it. But he is also out there helping the poor, going for coffee, running off copies--what ever he can do to assist in making things easier for people during this sometimes stressful period known as the Holidays.

                                                  Once I spotted this adorable picture of him, I knew I just had to include it on her.  Little Baby Gojira is just too modest. He takes after his mentor, Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      He is always willing to help. Which is why he is so loved, and a joy to have in our home!

                                                      And we saw Cujo this morning, girls! He wiggled one of his doggie ears, at me! But just long enough to greet his! Then he went back inside!

                                                        Cujo and Little Baby Gojira are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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