Monday, December 30, 2013

I Cannot Stress This Too Much, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Doesn't this guy look like a loser, darlings?????  Well, he is!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This is Jerry Bottorf, of Lithia, Florida, in the Tampa area.  When he began his adulterous relationship with Christie Sehorne, around 2006, or 2007, he was working two jobs--as a store clerk, and a bouncer at a club, where he and housewife/mother Christie met.  The guy was also in his late thirties, about 37, I think, and--get this---living with his mother!

                                       What a pig, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Another great role for James Gandolfini, if only he had stuck around!!! Oh, well, there is always John Goodman!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Not only is Jerry ugly--sort of the way Robert Bloch described Norman Bates in his original novel, "Psycho"--the relationship between mother and son sounded pretty much the same.  No, Mother was alive, not stuffed in a fruit cellar, but she was obsessed.  And what she was obsessed with was her son getting married, and having a family!!!!  Not that she wanted him out of the house--oh, no!!!  If things had not gone down as they had, Jerry and Christie would probably be living with her, which would have been another kind of Hell for Christie, only she was too dumb to realize it.  And why fall for such an ugly thing, anyway?????   Because Jerry was nothing to look at!!!!! But, then, neither was Christie!!!!
                                         See what I mean, dolls???????????????

                                          Besides, Christie was married, had been long enough to have two children, ages 4 and 6--to Thomas Lee Sehorne, and let me tell you, he WAS something to look at!  See???????????????

                                How could Christie be so stupid??????????  Well, for starters, the poor thing was lonesome, because her husband's job required him to travel often to Michigan, working on fishing boats, so he was away a lot!!!!  Boo Hoo!!!!!!  Christie cried Crocodile Tears, girls, because she fled at night--so who was taking care of those two children, then, hmmmmmm?????--to the club scene in the area, where she met Jerry, and then his mother!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Back to Mother.  Remember the scene in the Robin Williams film "One Hour Photo," where he stands back from a wall in his home, revealing it to be covered all over with the family he was obsessed with??????  That is pretty much how things were at the Bottorfs, because when the police finally got in there, they found the walls covered with pictures of the Sehorne children--a 6-year-old son, and 4-year-old daughter!!!!!   Mother was moving them right in, so to speak, because she was obsessed with being a Grandma!!!!!  Creepy, huh???????????

                                   The club where Jerry and Christie met is also where Jerry met, and became palsies with, local gangland leader, Michael Garcia!!!!!!!!!!  A real class act, this guy!!!!!!!!  When things between Jerry and Christie began to heat up, they began to see hubby Lee as an obstacle to be gotten rid of, so they could be together!!!! Not only that, Christie, upon Lee's death would inherit two Life Insurance policies totaling a million dollars!!!!!!!!

                                   Aha!!!!!!!!!  That Christie!  What She Did For Love, my ass!!!!!!!!  There was no love about it!

       Before you could say "Double Indemnity,"  this couple contacted Michael Garcia and a                           trigger man, Luis Angel Lopez, who was only 18, to ambush Lee in his garage one night, as he arrived home.  The event took place in the early morning of June 7, 2007.  Added to that, "actress" Christie not only played the surprised grieving widow, "discovering" Lee's body when she was taking her son to the bus for Day Care, she allowed her son to see his father's murdered body!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As Lee's brother, Ben, a lawman himself, being a Sheriff's Deputy said, "There is a special place in Hell, for Christie!"  There is--but first, she and Jerry will have to serve out their Life sentences on Earth!!!!!!!!!

                                    But, girls, as I keep saying to you, if the guy is 30 plus, and still living at home with Mother, this is a RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!  Don't go near him!  I know you are not like Christie--you've all got some brains in your heads--but these Mama's Boys can be real con  job schmoozers!!!!!!  So, it was worth telling this tale to repeat--watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As for Mother, she is probably still at home.  If you ask me, she should have been put away, too, because you can't tell me she did not know about, if not all, then most, of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But now, Mother won't get her wish.  She doesn't even have loser Jerry around anymore.  Now, she will probably sit in her Lithia house.  Sit and stare.  While everyone around her will say---    "Why, she wouldn't even hurt a fly!"

                                       Bullshit, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hello,

    I'm a TV Producer in NYC and would love to discuss with you one of the blogs you posted for a show I'm working on. If interested let me know and I can tell you more about the project.



  2. Thanks so much, steph! I veery much appreciate it!


  3. You're very welcome! I am glad you enjoyed it.


  4. Even if I had life insurance,
    it would never occur to me to
    murder. And you are right--
    those two pieces of trash
    are plug ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
