Monday, December 30, 2013

What Happened To Beth Littleford????? And Who Is This New Cascade Kitchen Counselor???????????????????

                                When they first began airing, girls, I loved those Cascade Kitchen Counselor commercials.  I was so impressed by Beth Littleford's performance in the role, that I wanted to hire her!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But, keeping up with things as I do, I have noticed a new series of Cascade Kitchen Counselor commercials, in which said counselor is dark haired, and mousy!  Like Agnes Gooch at the halfway point of  her makeover!!!!!  Not ugly enough to be frumpy, but less sophisticated than Beth!!!!!!!

                                  So, I set out to discover what happened. The results are puzzling.  The information says the new counselor is Nancy Wall, who happens to be Steve Carrell's wife!!!!!  Now, why would she need to work??? Or have those offers been slipping, huh, Steve??????????

                                  I looked up this Nancy Wall, and you know what???  Every photo I find is of a blonde haired woman, very similar, in look, to Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What the hell is going on????

                                   My beloved Monsieur thinks Nancy may have been required to dye her hair, or wear a wig, for the ad, so she would look different from Original Counselor Beth.

                                    This woman, as stated is not only mousy looking, so is her delivery of her lines.  No comic timing--so, obviously she learned nothing from her husband--no crisp efficiency, like Beth!!!!!!!!!!

                                      What I want to know is---why is Beth no longer in the role???? She was perfect, and the ads were enjoyable.  I bet the product benefited from them!!!!

                                       The new set of ads, with Nancy, are awful!!!!  I say, bring Beth Litteford back!
Bring Beth Back!!!!!!!  NOW!!!!!!!!!!!  She is the one and only, the most acceptable, Cascade Kitchen Counselor!!!!!!

                                         Because, I am telling you, if Beth does not come back, I am switching to Affresh!!!!!!!!!!!!





  1. I agree! Bring Beth back! I don't think they know about this "if it is not broke, you don't fix it!"

  2. "Like Agnes Gooch at the halfway point of her makeover!!!!!" is perhaps my favorite description EVER, and so apt! Beth Littleford was fun, comedic and had presence. I don't care if the new one is Steve Carrell's wife or not, she's awful and has no presence.

  3. In fact, it's NOT Steve Carrell's wife, it's an actress named Leslie Collins:
