Friday, December 6, 2013

Let's Make A Pact, Right Now, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Fifty years ago, when "The Birds" was made, back in 1963, glamour reigned!  I think what actually killed it was the Age Of Aquarius!!!!!!!!  Because, till then, glamour ruled!  I mean, look at Tippi Hedren!!!!!!!!

                            So many girls, back then, wanted to grow up, and look glamorous, like Tippi!  Like yours truly!  But, unfortunately, times changed, and even worse, traditions!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Back then, the tradition was you had to have your weekly salon visit, for hair and make-up touch ups!!!!!!!!!!  Who does that, anymore, darlings???????  Who has the time, between husband, children (if you have them!!!) career, and a social life, for such things!!!!!!!!!!

                              At least, that is what we now tell ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And if you don't maintain that glamour, girls, you can kiss what social life you have now, goodbye!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, I am making a pact, with all my girls on here, that we keep those weekly salon visits, in the years ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is no excuse for us not to look our best, like Tippi Hedren, as Melanie Daniels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I mean, if we don't, then we are just going to look frazzled, running through doors, screaming hysterically, like Tippi in the trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Even scandals in Roman fountains would be more fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, get to that salon, pronto, dolls!!!!!!!  Like, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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