Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Penultimate Silly Christmas Song, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is hard to believe that "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" has only been around for 34 years; that is, since 1979.  Which happens to be the year my mother passed away, so I wonder if there is a Freudian connection, there??????????/

                                 When it came to silly Yule Tide songs, I don't think any can surpass this one, and I would be amiss, if I did not include it on my blog!

                                     I never went around singing this one, dolls, but it always made me think of Nana, my mother's mother, who lived with us.  I would always picture Nana in the song. Though the idea of her drinking too much egg nog was a bit far fetched. There were no big drinkers in my household.

                                     It really would not be Christmas, without this Yule Tide classic, which I wanted to
share with all of you!  It might not top the score of the Boris Karloff 'Grinch,' but it is a close second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Seventeen shopping days left, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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