Thursday, December 12, 2013

No "Dear Old Golden Rule Days" Here, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          It is a collective winner, this week for the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                          The winner is the KIPP Elementary School, in Washington Heights, a so-called "charter school" which has sent punishing children back to the days of Charles Dickens, and "Jane Eyre."

                                            Apparently, there is a closet  at this school, barely able to maintain a broom, mop and such essentials, that has been emptied out, and is used as a lock down for unruly kids, boys, between the ages of 4 and 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              If this is what they do to the boys, what happens to the girls????? The Miss Hannigan treatment from "Annie??????????????"

                                               Anyone who works at this school, from the principal, down to the custodial staff, is Bitch Of The Week, for tolerating such barbarity.   It is like when the mother in "Carrie" says, "Go to your closet, and pray!"  Pray, my ass!  I would kick the goddamn door down, and kick in the teeth of anyone who would dare to try and lock me in there!

                                                  Which these poor, unfortunate children are too young and scared, and lacking in physical strength, to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     I hope the school is shut down, the kids placed somewhere decent, and the staff thrown out into the street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       There have been group Bitches Of The Week before. But this has to be one of the biggest, if not THE biggest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Don't go to the head of this class, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Cut it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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