Saturday, December 21, 2013

Time For The Penultimate, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                We are really coming down that Holiday homestretch now, girls, so it is time to get out the truly heavy ammunition!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When it comes to being "penultimate" there are two scenes in the 1944 "Meet Me In St. Louis" that qualify!  One is "The Trolley Song," which become one of Garland's signature tunes, and the other is the Christmas Sequence, with she and Margaret O'Brien.  It begins with them at the window, then Judy sings, as no one else has or will since, "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," and then Margaret dashes, sobbing out of the house, and out into the yard, where she smashes all the snowmen.  Which is what earned her that Juvenile Academy Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I understand director Vincente Minnelli really had to get Margaret worked up, in order to do that scene.  I am telling you, dolls, had I been cast as Tootie, he would not have had to do a thing!  All he would have had to say is "Action!," and off I would go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You really did not think I would let the Holidays get away, without including this gem of gems in my Musical Advent Calendar?????????  I would not be doing my duty to all you girls, if I did!  And I know some out there would be shocked, if I excluded it!

                                        So, I haven't.  Now, I don't know if Margaret's snowmen smashing scene is here, but here is Judy Garland at her vocal peak, and Margaret, even in the song, at her dramatic best!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Have Yourselves A Merry, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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