Saturday, December 21, 2013

Welcome, Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I always think of Bugs Bunny, when I think of Winter!  In one of his cartoons, he pops out of his hole, rips off a page from his tree calendar--the date is December 20th, which changes to the 21st, and then he says, in that inimitable Bugs Bunny/Mel Blanc voice, "December 21st...First Day Of wWinter!," and instantly a clod of snow hits the ground, and that is it for the Season!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I was not able to find that shot, loves, but the shot of Bugs popping up here is similar, and a bit more festive, coinciding more with the Holiday Season!!!!!!!

                            So, here we are, on the First Day Of Winter.  which, ironically, is a far cry from this!!!!!!  We have been getting some real Winter weather, leading up to it, now we are sort of segueing into Spring!  Guess it may not be a White Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But a Happy Winter to all! Tomorrow is the Solstice, the Shortest Day Of The Year, so start mulling that cider right now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And snuggle in, snowbound and cozy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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