Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Forgotten Sociopath, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Girls, I am telling you, there is nothing like discovering a new sociopath to warm the cockles of the Raving Queen's heart!!!!!!!!!!!  In this case, it is kind of a rediscovery, because, when I recently watched the "Law And Order SVU" episode, "Soulless," I had forgotten what a sociopath Logan Marshall Green's character was.

                                 He plays a guy named Mitch Wilkens, but is masquerading under the name Max Van Horn, because he wants to rise above his station in life, the easy way.  That station happens to be working as a bouncer at a local night club, and serving as a parking valet to all the rich folk he really wants to be.

                                   A young girl, Chloe Dutton, who turns out to have been only 15, is found raped and murdered in the club's Men's Room, where she is left, like garbage.  Detectives Benson and Stabler try to track down the garbage who did this--and it all keeps coming back to Mitch/Max.  They find out soon enough that he is a wannabe who has abandoned his origins--like all true wannabes do--but that there is even more!

                                   They discover Mitch/Max has a juvenile record, and another alias.  He is really Eric Wayne Proctor, and eleven years before, when Eric was ten, he lured a neighbor boy, Tommy, into the woods, where he stabbed, tortured, and set the boy on fire--while still alive!  Shades of Jamie Bulger, where, I am sure, this is where the case comes from.  He was tried and sent to a juvenile facility, but released for good behavior.  Tommy's mother finds out, and reports all this to  the detectives.

                                    Now, Mrs. Proctor, under the name of Sally Wilkens, is played by Ann Dowd, in a brilliant performance.  She is holed up in Weehawken, which, back then, was still hovering on its "On The Waterfront" image, not the gentrified Yuppieville it has become!!!!!!!!!!  You can't get anything there for less than a million, and forget about renting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This woman is in serious denial.  Of murdering Tommy, she offers up the excuse Eric was only ten years old, and did not know what he was doing.  She maintains he was a good boy, that he was released on good behavior, and that he had nothing do with the rape and murder of Chloe Dutton.
But, when a photograph showing a piece of jewelry worn by the dead girl, which Mother is wearing now, is shown to Mama, the old lady fesses up, and testifies against her sociopath son, saying he was born bad, and that if kept on the outside, will kill again!

                                          Not that Mama is free from blame!  It is implied Eric was abused in some way when he was a child, which contributed to his sociopath development!  What kind of abuse is never revealed, but seeing how this discussion makes Eric uncomfortable gives credence to the theory.  Not that Mama should be charged.  Too much water has gone under the bridge, and she was ignorant of all acts, especially the recent ones, for her to be charged.

                                           In just a few, emotionally heightened scenes, Logan Marshall Green offers up a chilling performance.  While not as penetrating a glimpse into the sociopath mind, like "Killerz," or Mean," "Soulless" offers up Mitch/Max/Eric as one of SVU's too often overlooked sociopaths!

                                            And sociopaths do not like to be overlooked!  So, here's to you, Eric!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Now, go rot in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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