Sunday, January 5, 2014

She's Really OK, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The first time I saw the ad, featuring Kerri, the Sparkle Fairy, I was, like, "What the hell is this?"  The second time, my reaction was, "It's about time," because the biggest ad icon a paper towel had had was Rosie, played by an over aged, semi-butch, ex-40's harridan named Nancy Walker!  Not that we didn't love Nancy, darlings, but in this age that act just wouldn't go.

                              Kerri the Sparkle Fairy, played by actress Tracey Petrillo-Smith, is kind of a New Age Peter Pan, with an overlong hairstyle reminiscent of the character, and don't you just love those animated wings??????  She flits about, like an adult version of Tinker Bell, who has just recently gotten her bearings, and she is the most refreshing thing to appear on TV in a long while!   And I just love those animated wings, darlings!  Only those of the Blue Fairy in Disney's "Pinocchio" outdoes them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is always exciting when Kerri makes one of her appearances!  Just makes me feel good all over!!!!!!!!!

                                I'm OK, darlings!  I really am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, she really is! I love her! She is fabulous! And unlike other commercials, I never tire of seeing hers!

  2. I wasn't sure how to react the first time I saw the commercial but after the second viewing I decided to try Sparkle paper towels. The best paper towel for my workshop. Before these it seemed an affordable paper towel wouldn't do the job and one that would work costs too much or where to stiff and not absorbent enough but these are good paper towels. I like the commercial because it's fun, light, and truthful. We are not told these towels are better than anyone else's paper towels or the cheapest; just that they are a good paper towel and don't cost a lot. both of which are true.


  3. All I can say is where is Tracey Petrillo-Smith
    now? She was the original, and best, Sparkle Fairy!
    The one they replaced her with pales by comparison,
    and her ads don't get aired as much.

    Get with the program, Sparkle!!!!!!!!!!!!
