Saturday, January 4, 2014

This Film Is Today's Current Audience Litmus Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I never expected to be writing about the film version of "August:Osage County" again, because the film is flawed, which I said, so there was nothing much after that to write about.

                                 But when I talk to people about this film, their responses versus mine, I realize this is today's greatest Audience Litmus Test. How one responds to "August:Osage County" says more about who that person is, maybe, or thinks of themselves as being, than anything out these days.

                                  I know there are some who, thanks to Julia Roberts' presence, view this as a Romantic comedy.  Some see it as just a depressing hill of crap!  Or the disintegration of the American family, as represented by the Westons!   I see it more as a meditation on hypocrisy; the nation is so fucked up because it is mired in this political correctness that keeps us from telling the truth, like Violet!

                                   Which is why I just love Violet, darlings!  Not just because she is played by Meryl Streep, and not because I am a cancer ridden pill popping alcoholic addict, which, believe me, I am not!  I love when Violet gives it to those who deserve to get it, and I can relate, because there are so many I want to give it to, as well.  Here are a few examples.

                                      Mitchell Frumkin--You dumb fuck, I will never forget the fight we had in the fourth grade boys bathroom, because you could not deal with the fact that you were some one from the wrong side of the tracks, and I was better than you!!!!!!!!   You go to Tulane in NOLA, and what do you do with your life???? Nothing!  Come back, marry a dumb girl from our town, and live in Kendall Park!!!!  Which is not too far from our hometown!!!! Like, who would want to??????????????

                                       Ellen Weitzer-- Pretty much the same thing!  You resented me because I was smart, and lived on the North Side, and you hated me later because you hated my mother for making you clean up the gifilte fish you threw up in the back of the bus, in sixth grade!!!!!  Think I have forgotten that, huh??? Well, hon, like Violet, nothing gets past me!!!!  Which is why, on August 21, 1976, you had to disss me and literature, because you could not stand the truth of what my presence reminded you of!!!!  And what did you do with your life???? Brandeis, then a Maryland housewife??????????  Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Cindy Durling--Not much different, though you fled to New England, after sophomore year!  Thought you were the Princess of your White Trash area, and that you would be acknowledged even more when the schools came together, but you weren't, were you???? Your beauty went to your head!!!!  And I still recall the film criticism you gave orally where you reviewed "The Bird With The Crystal Plumage."  You said Hitchcock directed it, and let me tell you NOW, sweetie, he did not!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           See how Violet I can be??????????  Who's the bitch now, darlings??????????

                                            So, I just LOVE the backbiting that is at the heart of "August:Osage County," and I love Violet, and Barbara, for her ability to confront!  Wait till I confront those in my present life, darlings!!!!!!!!

                                             How do you respond, dolls?  To "August:Osage County," I mean!  Feel free to tell!!!!!!!!!!!!


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