Saturday, January 4, 2014

Two Film Classics Celebrate Their Diamond Anniversaries, This Year!

                               The first one, as you can see, girls, is "The Wizard Of Oz," I bet some of you can guess what the other one is.  But, more on that, later!

                                For the uninitiated, a Diamond Anniversary commemorates 75 years!   Which is when both films were released--1939, often called Motion Pictures' Greatest Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Let's start with "The Wizard Of Oz."  Anyone who has been on here long enough knows it comes up, from time to time.  It is inevitable, darlings, because this film, seen at a tender age, made me what I am today!  If it weren't for this film, there would be no gold bar for high artistry, no sophistication, and no Raving Queen!  What would you girls do, without me, dears?????????????

                                    As befitting a film classic celebrating its tribute, milestone year, there are plans to show it on theater screens across the country, sometime this year.  Fine with me, because, darlings, if you have never seen this film on the big screen, you are missing an ultimate experience, and if you have not, this is your chance!

                                     The down side to all this is that, thanks to technology, the Powers That Be are going to fuck with its artistry, by showing the film in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Which did not even exist, at the time it was made!  I can almost clock off when it will be used--the cyclone, Glinda's bubble coming at us, any scene with the Witch, etc!

                                        What good does it do?  Does it add to appreciation of this film????  Not a bit!!!!! I would much rather see the film in its pure form, but, if this is the only way to see it this year, then so be it!  You can bet I will report on what it was like, when I do see it, so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The other film, as you might have guessed, is "Gone With The Wind."  Sorry, I could not get the full title scribe across the screen, but, then, I do not have the editorial skills of Hal C. Kern, who edited this landmark film!  You know how much I love it, dears, and will only see it on the big screen.
Two things about this upcoming viewing, as, I expect, this film will be shown on screen, too.  I will finally have someone Beloved to sit and hold my hand with, especially during the sad scenes.  And those sad scenes--loss of Bonnie, then Melanie, then Rhett-- with Scarlett alone at the end sends, at this point in my life, a shiver of fear up my spine, having arrived at a point in time where more have gone before me, than not!!!!!!!!  While I have seen this film at least three dozen times, this particular viewing, I know, will be both rewarding and difficult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But it is an anniversary, after all, and must be acknowledged!  So, maybe, especially in the case of GWTW, think about a celebratory party afterwards, with a huge white cake built like Tara, with a group of darkie statues lined up in a row, on both sides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Think about that one, tomorrow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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