Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Tale Of Two Gerrys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If there is one species of humanity on this planet I mortally despise, it is the Closeted Gay Male. Most of whom, by the way, are Republicans!  They say they are gay, yet are able to make it with women, so, in my book, they are not gay!  I defy anyone to disagree with me! GO AHEAD!  The ones who marry end up ruining the lives of the women, and children, if any are had.  This is unconscionable enough, but Gerald Metcalf did something worse.  He took the life of a fellow gay man.

                                 That man was Gerry Jackson.  On December 29, 1971, while cruising a certain section of San Diego, he met Jackson, who was  just finishing a shift working at one of the local gay watering holes, the Barbary Coast. He invited Metcalf home, a tryst took place, then both went to sleep.  Unfortunately, before morning, Metcalf awoke. Instead of doing what most one night stands do--walk out, or leave a note saying "Hasta la vista, baby!," this guy, consumed with rage and guilt over having explored the so-called forbidden side of his sexuality, grabs a butcher knife from the kitchen, and stabs Jackson, sixty five times, leaving his nude and bloodied body on the floor.  Then, he takes some stuff from the apartment, to make it look as if Jackson simply disappeared--taking his car to Mexico and leaving it there, turning in a stereo system to a pawn shop.  Metcalf was 24 and Jackson was 27.

                                     Then, this remorseless monster blocks it out of his head--conveniently--marries, and raises a family--even becoming a Sunday school teacher!  I am telling you, these are the ones to watch out for! And then folks wonder why I am so crazy about Jodi Arias!  Hey, Jodi, could you go after this guy??????? He deserves it!

                                         Forget that he had a history of mental illness. Forget he supposedly was paranoid schizophrenic, and that, during their marriage, his wife had twice hat to have him incarcerated in a mental hospital. What he did to Jackson was pure homophobia, and it is inexcusable and indefensible!!!!!!!!!!

                                         At 61, he was finally tracked down, in 2008, arrested, tried, convicted, and--get this--given a 5 year to Life sentence!!!!!!!!!!  He was released in three years, and is living in Texas!

                                         I think he should be required to register as a Sex Offender, so his neighbors can know what scum is living among them!  There should be no peace for this filth, who deprived Gerry's family and friends of a loving person who, evidently, was at piece with himself and his sexuality!

                                          No one said growing up gay is easy!  Especially as many don't know they are doing it, while it happens!  I can attest to that, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  But once that sinks in, either accept it, or live the life you think you should--and stick to it! Don't try and have it both ways, which is what these guys do!
Which shows I do not believe in bisexuality, either!  Go ahead, attack me, I don't care!

                                            But I am telling Gerald Metcalf here and now--what goes around, comes around.  If Life doesn't do to you what you did to Gerry Jackson, wait till that Life is over!

                                              Satan awaits you on the Other Side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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