Thursday, January 30, 2014

Broadway Backstage Child Abuse Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When life imitates art, darlings, it often is not very pretty, but, in the case of what is going on, over at "Matilda," it is downright macabre.

                                        In the fictitious show, which takes place on stage, the school children are menaced  by the horrible headmistress, Miss Trunchbull.  Off stage, however, these very skilled performers, who work their tails off on stage, I can tell you, are menaced by this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--the Associate Director, Tom Caruso.

                                         Don't let that look of placidity fool you, dolls!  According to Alissa Zulvergold, billed as the show's "child wrangler," which sounds shady but is not--she is responsible for the children keeping their cool, both on stage and off, see that they eat properly, and do their homework, when needed--he is causing such a fuss that if Babe Paley and Slim Keith were still alive, they would be phoning each other, and the Swans, about him, after reading this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Apparently, Mr. Caruso is applying to his young charges the Joe Mantello School Of Intimidation, when it comes to directing.  He castigates, yells, verbally abuses, and maligns the children so much, many burst into tears, or run in hysterics to their dressing rooms.  One of these children, Marcus D'Angelo, is so overwrought emotionally by all this, that, out of nervousness, he bites his right sleeve. And Caruso has called him on it!

                                             And who is Caruso hardest on?  All the current Matildas!  Is this to get them into character? Bullshit! And don't tell me that tired story about Vincente Minnelli and Margaret O'Brien. I knew it before most of you did, and that was 70 years ago. Times have changed, and so have the rights of actors, especially child actors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             You better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                            The parents are upset, but want the kids to keep their jobs.  Uh huh.

                                            Zulvergold has cited all this in a letter to the show's Company Managers, calling for a change in managerial style.  I'll say!  But not before I give Tom a taste of his own medicine!

                                              Hey, Caruso, yo'!!!!!!!!!!!  You wanna pick on someone your own size?????  Get over here, you cowardly bitch!  You think you can intimidate ME??????  Try it!  Once this is posted, honey, your career is over, and you will be picking spuds out of ash cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Maybe the children who revolt on stage in "Matilda" should do so off!!!!!!!!

                                               Agatha Trunchbull has nothing on Tom Caruso!  And just as in the show on stage, I think his days are numbered, off!

                                                They should be! Sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I read this in Michael Riedel's cloumn. I consider Riedel to be one of the most loathsome pieces of shit crawling on the earth today, so I take all this with a grain of salt.


  2. I concur wholeheartedly with you about Riedel. But too much seems to be going on--letters written, the other woman involved. Unless she and Caruso have some issues of their own which is possible. But if there is any truth to any of it, I think it is deplorable. And I have heard, from those who know, that Mantello does direct by intimidation. He would not get to first base, with me! When I was young and vulnerable, as these kids are, yes, but not anymore! I have walked off sets, in my time, I can tell you!

    "I'll leave this stinking show--with dignity!"

  3. That's because the only hit in a Raving Queen show is the Raving Queen. And that's YOU baby!
