Friday, January 31, 2014

Bye, Bye, January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   It is the most difficult of months for me.  Christmas and all its attendant hoopla is dimantled, I await anxiously for the arrival of my W-2 (which I sweat out every year, and get; I got this year's the other day, but will not blog about the disappearance of my anxiety disorder over it, until it is in my accountant;s hands!!!!!!!!), and the Winter now draws out to a seemingly interminable time.  The irony is this month is not only the birthday of my beloved Monsieur, (New Year's Day, in fact!!!!) which is one good thing about it, but, ironically, this was supposed to have  been MY birth month, as well.

                   I was due to arrive sometime in mid-January 1955, but, being the accelerated sort, made my entry two months early--even from birth, I had to upstage, darlings!!!!!!!!!--on November 18, 1954!!!!!!!!!!  I have always wondered--but, of course, will never know--if, had I been born as scheduled, would I feel differrently toward this month, or not!  It would be awful to hate the month of your birth!  I just LOVE November, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  What I do know is that, as of today, we have gotten through one twelfth of 2014.  And February is a short month, and then comes March, wbich always makes  me feel hopeful.  As does my Monsieur!

                    So, bye bye, January!!!!!  You weren't as bad as I thought--we had a lot of fun--the party at Allan's, Monsieur's birthday at Chadwicks, "Matilda!"--yet I know, when December 31 of this year rolls around, I will experience that periodic anxiety again!  Thank God, there is Monsieur to help me through it!

                     One month closer to Spring!  See you in February, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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