Saturday, February 1, 2014

A New Month Already, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                We have now come through one twelfth of 2014!  And while it seemed, going through it, January would never end, today it seems as though it whizzed by.

                                   It was certainly the coldest one I can recall!!!!  Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But now comes the February thaw--Valentine's Day, which means kisses, chocolates,  and lots of warmth, a group of birthdays to celebrate, and, as the shortest month of the year, Spring will be here before we know it.

                                    Soon, my tax matters will be in the hands of my accountant, which relieves me no end!  And tomorrow, we are already going to the theater, seeing the new Charles Busch play, "The Tribute Artist."  It should be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, with my beloved Monsieur, how could February, or any month, not be fun???????

                                        Love to Baby Gojira, Ramsey, and Cujo, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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