Saturday, February 1, 2014

We Made It To Another Candlemass Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                To think we have come to another Candlemass Eve, darlings!  For those not yet familiar with such goings on, this is the night the witches mock the rituals of the Church, and, at midnight, sacrifice a virgin!!!!!!!!!! Which gets more difficult each year!

                                  Each year I usually include a shot from the film that explains it all--"Horror Hotel," with the fabulous Patricia Jessel as Elizabeth Selwyn, burned as a witch on the third of March 1692, but reincarnated as Mrs. Newless, runs the Raven Inn in Whitewood, which is some vacation spot in Massachusetts, let me tell you.

                                    This year I wanted a change. So, I pulled up this fabulous shot of Allison Hayes--the Femme Fatale Of Fifties Fright Films, best known for her role as Nancy Archer in the classic "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman."  Allison should have received an Academy Award for this, and so should have Yvette Vickers, as slut Honey Parker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      In "The Undead," made in 1957, Allison plays Livia, a witch condemned to die in medieval times, but who manages to come back and wreak havoc with those in the present. That is she, with her guest Satan Imp, played by Billy Barty. He looks appropriately impish, but there is nothing virginal looking about Allison here, so I don't think she has to worry too much about being a sacrifice!

                                       It seems witches have declined over the years!  They used to be eye catching, like Allison, and Barbara Steele in "Black Sunday." Now, they seem to be bohemian harridans, like Ruth Gordon, as Minnie Castevet, in "Rosemary's Baby."  Even Elizabeth Montgomery, as Serena, was more fun!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I don't know if any of my readers are virgins or not, but if you happen to be, or even think of yourselves as being such, make sure you lock your doors by midnight!  You don't want some ugly old witches coming after you!

                                           On the other hand, if Allison Hayes knocks on the door, ask her in for a cup of tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Cheers on Candlemass, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have no knowledge of your sister's whereabouts, Mr. Barlow- all I can tell you is I came into her room this morning to find her bed unslept in, and her bill unpaid.
