Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Murder Of David Wellington Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What a sweet child David seemed. Today, he would be in his early 40's, and he should be.  Who would have thought such tragedy, one I found extremely disturbing,  could befall such a young man, and over such a superficial motive?  And in a Podunk place like Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania.

                                          David was the All-American paper boy, known throughout town for riding his bike delivering, and friendly to all.  He was reliable to the max, so when David failed to return home, after a bike ride, on August 21, 1985, it was not the sort of thing he would do, and family members became concerned.

                                           It would turn out that David was murdered that day by a fellow named Joseph Geiger, who was 20 years old at the time, and, at the time of his arrest, was 43.  Isn't he some sick looking
thing, girls?  He should be, because he spent his entire life as a trashy drug dealer.  Joseph grew marijuana plants in his backyard--essential for his income--and someone had been stealing them. With David on his bicycle a familiar sight about town, Joseph, with no discernible proof, zeroed in on David, as the culprit.

                                             On the day in question, Geiger and his friend, Michael Kaplan, confronted David, luring him into the woods, and into an abandoned boxcar, where the plan was to just scare him. But Geiger's psychopathic rage got the better of him, and he punched this sweet kid in the face so hard, he fell against a metal beam, which cracked his skull, ending his short life.

                                                This piece of scum removed the body to a deserted area nearby, where it decomposed for years. When it was found, the remains were skeletal, but enough to show it was David. By the time Geiger was apprehended, David's mother and sister had passed on. His older brother and cousin are still alive, and must be appalled by the sentence he received--one to two years in prison, for involuntary manslaughter. By now, Geiger must be out, and I hope I or Reed's relations do not cross paths with him. He deserves no less than what he dished out to David.

                                                  Geiger called David a pot smoker.  What proof does he have?  And, while sweet, innocent looking youth may be pot smokers, nothing about David's short life suggested he was going down that path!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I want to see Geiger go down the path Straight To Hell!  He may be free, but things have a way of coming around!  If I were Geiger, I would watch my step!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Justice was served for David! But not enough!  But there is a Higher Power, darlings, and who knows what plans it holds for Geiger????????????????????????????

                                                     Enjoy your miserable freedom while you can, Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am glad the mother and sister passed before the verdict was read. Justice found for David is a good thing but what kind of sentence was 1 to 2 years. What about the 23 years this boy did not get to live. Joseph Geiger got to have a family and a child of his own. He lived 23 years knowing the agonizing pain this family had to go through. I hope this man rots in hell and his family disowns him so he knows the pain of losing a child. God Bless David's brother, cousin, and other family members.

  2. This lowlife needs to be hanging from a tree!!


  3. Yes, he does! But Karma has a way of evening things out.
    Blessings on David's remaining family!

  4. I just saw the documentary on Discovery ID and I'm not feeling well after watching it. It must be terrible to loose a child like this. And that scumbag only get a short time in jail, so no justice is done. For sure David was so scared all alone with these 2 scumbags. That innocent child was just riding his bycicle. How could people be so cruel...

  5. Nico,
    Both he and the girlfriend were sick.
    And why wasn't she charged?
    But I believe things will come back
    to bite both of them, but good!
