Sunday, January 12, 2014

Darlings, The Panthers Stole The Show, In the 1982 "Cat People!!!!!!!"

                          It turned out to be a delightful accident, Friday evening!  Monsieur and I were supposed to go over to Ellen's, to see the Ben Stiller movie, "The Secret Life Of Walter Mittty."  We were joined by Uncle Chris, and Mark I., as opposed to Mark B, partner of Uncle Chris.  We ordered in, and were all set to watch 'Walter Mitty.'  However, Chris had bought, on Blue Ray, a DVD of the 1982--32 years, darlings!!!!   can you believe it???--"Cat People," directed by Paul Schrader, of "Taxi Driver" fame.  To think, he went from high art, to this mess.

                          This is the version where Nastassja Kinski, looking pretty androgynous and catlike herself, learns she and her brother, Malcom McDowell, are descended from a line of cats, because their parents were also brother and sister.  All their relatives are panthers!  Which, let me tell you,  are  vast improvements on some of mine!!!!!!!!!!

                          Of course, it cannot hold a candle to the Val Lewton masterpiece, made 40 years before, in 1942.   Annette O' Toole (what ever happened to her????) does the Jane Randolph role, and has the famous swim scene in the darkened pool.  I forget if Annette gets killed; she should have, because her career is pretty much dead, now!!!!!!!!!!

                           Once this began, I was like, to hell with 'Walter Mitty.'  I could not tear myself away from this crap, not because it was so good, but it was so campy!  And the visuals are stunning!  Those sepia toned dream sequences, with the panthers in the tree!  Perfect spot for a Winter vacation, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I have to hand it to Chris; he actually created a better evening than if we had watched 'Mitty,' which I was not looking forward to, anyway!  I think we should leave the film selections to him.  How about "Invasion Of The Saucermen?????"

                             This movie shows the consequences, of--pardon me, girls--too much pussy!  Philip Roth must have masturbated himself beet red to this one!

                               And I just love the panther/Nastassia, at the end!  The last word, as always, is hers!

                               "Smile, girls, smile!," as Mama Rose would say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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