Sunday, January 12, 2014

Darren Kavinoky Is Still Hot, Girls, But Jodi Arias Upstaged Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Two weeks in a row, Jodi has been storied on ID!!!!  I am telling you, the media just cannot get enough of her, and neither can I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            You know that program, "Facing Evil," where Candace De Long (we just LOVE her, too, darlings!!!!!!!!!) sits down, and faces convicted offenders?  I would love to do a segment myself, with Jodi, only it wouldn't be like "Facing Evil,"  It would be more like Virginia Graham's old show, "Girl Talk," where we sip tea, or coffee, and meow about fashions, films, theater, top designers...and how to avoid a murder rap!

                            I am telling you, Jodi knows!  Poor, misunderstood thing!  She is just a wounded bird!!!!!!!  Whether a blonde bombshell (breast implants, at 23??????  can you believe it, girls????????) or a serious, scholarly looking brunette, Jodi is a presence no matter where she goes, or how she looks!  She knows how to play the Game, and she is nobody's fool, baby!!!!!!!!!

                             Which is why I love her!  Self-made, all the way!  What I want to know is how she made it from living with  a drug addicted guitar player, at 17, to hotel conventions by her early 20's, without a high school diploma, or college degree??????  Was it just sex???????  I don't think so!  Plenty of  women--and yes, girls, men!!!--try to make it on their backs, but don't get as far as Jodi!  Let's face it, Jodi has the smarts!  You just gotta hand it to her!

                              Now, before some of you go all moral on me, let's talk about Travis Anderson.  At least when Jodi presented  herself to him, she was up front!!!!  But that Travis--what a hypocrite--Mormon by day, panty chewing pussy hound by night, with Jodi!  He was so desperate for sex,  he bit through six mattresses the first time, before realizing there was no girl there!  Jodi knew she wanted to settle down with Travis, and why not??? She wanted what all us girls want--a Man and Security!!!!  But what did Travis want????  A wife by day (Mormon), and a playmate by night (Jodi).  Do you think Jodi was going to settle for that?  After she even converted to Mormonism for Travis?????  Do you think I would settle????????  You bet I wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!

                               So, Jodi took some actions, but got some wrong results!  The shower was wet, the poor girl slipped, and she had trouble getting up, and balancing herself.  It took her over twenty tries.  Poor Jodi!

                                  And now, everyone wants to paint Jodi as some sort of skank bitch, when the real skank was Travis, because he was just one big Sexist Hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Which is why I am with Jodi, all the way!!!!!!!!!  In the sacred name of Angela Davis, Free Jodi!!!!!!!!!  Justice For Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!!  As Richie Havens said, in "Freedom," "Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      You go, Jodi girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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