Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Her"..............What The Hell Is It???????????????????????????

                                       All right, girls, I know that the voice is Scarlett Johansson,  and I know the guy is Joaquin Phoenix.  But how does a computer have sex, and achieve an orgasm?  And why do we have to watch it?  Nor did I particularly want to watch Joaquin have one, which is done in facial close-up, to avoid an NC-17 rating, and to keep children of Wall Street daddies from understanding what it is their fathers actually do at work, while the rest of us in the trenches are slogging to earn the pittance we receive.

                                         If this signals that I was not that crazy about the film, you are right, darlings. Actually, my beloved Monsieur liked it more than I did.  I did not hate it--the film has an interesting visual style, thanks to the cinematographer and film editor, who create an isolationist vision of the future worthy of a Technicolor version of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis."

                                            What fascinated me more--and kept me going--was asking myself, continuously, what the film was trying to say?  Was it trying to advocate the advances to technology, to the point where human relationships become almost obsolete?  Is it saying this is bad?  I can tell you up front, girls, I think it is, which is one explanation why I am no techno guru in the computer world.  Most important of all, why should I care?  If the future is moving to this, let us hope the Baby Boomers will long be extinct, and will not have to deal with this desensitized nonsense. But, if we do, then let's fight it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                One thing the film proves--no matter how much she is frumped up, Amy Adams still is Amy Adams, looking as lovely and radiant as ever!  Which was why I found the climax--where I felt she and Joaquin were going to comitt suicide in some sort of ersatz homage to Frank Capra's "Meet John Doe"--disturbing.   Good news, they don't, and I do not think this was the filmmakers' intentions, largely because the crew that made this would have never heard of either Frank Capra, or "Meet John Doe."
You can tell, just looking at this film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       To think this film was named Best Picture Of The Year, by the National Board of Review!  And it is nominated for the Best Picture Oscar.  "August:Osage County" was a mess, but at least it was an entertaining one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         And I don't want anyone's voice by my beloved Monseiur!   It is just fine, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Wonder whose voice they would have used if this had been "Him?"
My choice, dolls--you guessed it!!!!!!!!!!--would have been Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             See this at your risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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