Monday, January 27, 2014

This Moment Needed Kate Winslet To Top It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              OK, now did everyone see the famous SNL opening, this weekend, with host Jonah Hill????  I just happen to love Jonah, darlings; at times his comedy can be ingratiating, but I am even more impressed when he ventures outside that comfort zone in movies like "Moneyball" and "The Wolf Of Wall Street."  For one thing, it shows what a good actor he can be. And, so far, every time Jonah ventures from that comfort zone, he gets nominated for an Academy Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 All of which was part of this opening monologue, as was his razzing on costar Leonardo DiCaprio.  Imagine the surprise, when Leo appeared, and, even more surprising, he and Jonah, reenacted the famous "Am I flying?" sequence from "Titanic."  Jonah stepped into Kate Winslet's role, which shows how strong Leo, after doing films like "Gangs Of New York." has become, as he was able to hold Jonah up so adeptly--no mean feat!  But I think Kate was needed to top off the moment.

                                  What should have happened was--at the end point, Kate should have walked in, stage left, dressed as Mildred Pierce, a la Joan Crawford, standing behind Leo and Jonah. She pauses, then says the famous line, "How long has this been going on?"

                                     That would have been priceless!  And the one thing needed to make this moment even more perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And, girls, I bet Kate would have gone for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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