Friday, January 3, 2014

If She Is So Fit, Girls, Then Why Is She Always Angry?????????????

                                            I am telling you, darlings, every time I see a TV ad for the Nordic Track X11 Incline Machine, or the weight loss center , Curves, both endorsed by Jillian Michaels, I wonder about poor Jillian.  She comes on stressing the positive benefits of both, and the script she speaks, not to mention her body, support that, but her delivery of those lines is one who is perpetually angry.  Jillian may not be Meryl Streep, but her delivery has nothing to do with bad acting!  It has to do, I think, with being perpetually frustrated over not eating anything...and desperately wanting to!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Which, to those who buy in to Jillian's jibe, does not really serve them, at all.  The purpose of undergoing weight loss is to feel good, both physically and emotionally.  But Jillian's spiel hardly does anything for the latter!

                                             These ads would be akin to, say, Paula Deen doing a political ad for civil rights in this country, dressed in plantation finery, while, behind, her, a chorus of darkies intone "Go Down, Moses!!!!!!!!"

                                               I wonder if Jillian realizes what she is doing?????  She is endorsing one message, yet sending out another!  Now, I need to lose even more weight, and I plan on doing so, but (not that I would!!!) if I were to consider any of Jillian's messages, I would not enroll in anything she says, because I do not want to be perpetually mad, like her!

                                                So, I say, Jillian, either work on your screen presence, or chow down on some noshes, salsa, and Hagen Dazs Ice Cream!

                                                  I have a feeling, if she did, we would see a brand new Jillian!  Happy, confident--but looking more like Mama June, on "Honey Boo Boo!"

                                                   You have to hand it to  Mama June, darlings, she is at least happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ignorant, unaware--but happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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