Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Listen, I Got Thirty Six Expressions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Ever since my blood was set boiling--but no high pressure!!!!!!!!!--yesterday, darlings, I have been clamouring to proclaim my fabulousness. And one way I can do is to perform "I'm The Greatest Star!" from "Funny Girl!"  I have before, on special occasions.  But it is high time I did in a more visible venue, whether that includes a cabaret or YouTube remains to be seen.

                                 So, what, if I have to look ugly in an over sized dress, because I am over aged, and supposed to be playing a stage struck teenager???????  So what if I have to have an Eddie Ryan standing by me, and feeding lines???????

                                  It doesn't matter. Because when Fanny gets to "Who is the pip with pizzazz?" in the song, she takes center stage, and from then on in, the number, and the rest of the show, is hers!!!!!!!!!!  Just like it will be, with me!  Look what it did for Streisand--fifty years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, that was then, and this is now, and the time is ripe for a new Fanny, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, look out, gorgeous, because here I am!

                                    Think I can't top this??????????  Just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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